Welcome to
Manito Cooperative Preschool
Our infant class is for 0-12 month olds* and meets Tuesdays, 12:30 pm-2:00 pm. This class is a time for babies to socialize and explore a variety of toys and materials geared toward stimulating the senses, building gross motor skills and fine motor skills as well. We will occasionally offer a messier sensory activity throughout the school year depending on class interest and developmental readiness.
Our infant class is also intended to provide parents with an opportunity to socialize with other parents who have children of similar ages, as well as build friendship and community that will hopefully continue to grow as you move through our toddler and preschool classes as well! We will occasionally bring in a class speaker throughout the school year as well depending on class interest/parent requests.
Here is an example of a typical day in our Infant classroom:
12:30 pm - Arrive, sign in, and get settled
1:00 pm - Parent breakout offered 1st group**
1:20 pm - Parent breakout offered 2nd group**
1:40 pm - Circle time and closing
2:00 pm - Dismissal
Our sessions are flexible and our schedule can easily be adjusted to best
meet the needs of the group!
*Please note that children born after August 31st will have to repeat the infant class before moving on to Toddler 1 in order to meet our minimum age requirement.
**Parent breakout is not required but is offered as a time for parents to step away into the parent room while another parent is with your child in the classroom. Parents can enjoy a cup of coffee/tea, connect with other parents, and access resources.

Toddler 1
Our Toddler 1 class meets Tuesdays, 9:30 am - 11:30 am and serves children 1-2 years old.* During our time together, we offer opportunities to meet each toddler’s individual developmental milestones and goals. These developmentally appropriate activities include, but are not limited to: arts/crafts, story time, sensory exploration, fine motor & gross motor tasks, social skills with peers, music, and movement. The parental support during our sessions are built in to help families navigate the many ups and downs of parenting a toddler. Families have the opportunity to discuss prevalent parenting topics and discuss what strategies and/or resources are helpful. We also work cooperatively to provide a nutritious snack and keep the safety of any class allergies a top priority.
Here is an example of a typical day in our Toddler 1 classroom:
9:30 am - Arrival, sign in, wash hands, and gather in playroom
10:00 am - Free choice, arts/crafts, sensory exploration, parent breakout offered 1st group**
10:30 am - Snack, parent breakout offered 2nd group**
11:00 am - Circle time in Sunshine room: music/movement, outside if time/weather allows
11:30 am - Dismissal
*Students must meet the minimum age requirements by August 31st.
**Parent breakout is not required but is offered as a time for parents to step away into the parent room while another parent is with your child in the classroom. Parents can enjoy a cup of coffee/tea, connect with other parents, and access resources.

Toddler 2
Our Toddler 2 class meets Thursdays, 9:30 am - 11:30 am and serves children 2-3 years old.* During our time together, we offer opportunities to meet each toddler’s individual developmental milestones and goals. These developmentally appropriate activities include, but are not limited to: arts/crafts, literacy exposure, number sense, story time, sensory exploration, fine motor & gross motor tasks, social skills with peers, music, and movement. The parental support during our sessions are built in to help families navigate the many ups and downs of parenting a toddler. Families have the opportunity to discuss prevalent parenting topics and discuss what strategies and/or resources are helpful. We also work cooperatively to provide a nutritious snack and keep the safety of any class allergies a top priority.
Here is an example of a typical day in our Toddler 2 classroom:
9:30 am - Arrival, sign in, wash hands, and gather in playroom
10:00 am - Free choice, arts/crafts, sensory exploration, parent breakout offered 1st group**
10:30 am - Snack, parent breakout offered 2nd group**
11:00 am - Circle time in Sunshine room: music/movement, outside if time/weather allows
11:30 am - Dismissal
*Students must meet the minimum age requirements by August 31st.
**Parent breakout is not required but is offered as a time for parents to step away into the parent room while another parent is with your child in the classroom. Parents can enjoy a cup of coffee/tea, connect with other parents, and access resources.

Our multi-age preschool program serves students age 3-5 years old* where we play, learn, and grow together! We offer classes Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm**. Families may choose to sign up for 2 days (MW) or 3 days (MWF) of preschool and we ask that a parent or caregiver join their child for one class per week. We also invite siblings of preschool children ages 0-5 to attend on Fridays for Family Day.
Our developmentally appropriate, researched based, and play focused learning model allows for children to explore while gaining essential early childhood education skills. Manito Co-op Preschool curriculum is aligned with the state learning standards which allows for genuine child led inquiry with hands on learning to help students meet learning goals.
Our Parent Education program involves weekly classroom participation, allows the caregiver to be involved in their child's education, and helps families connect with a community of parents/guardians of children in the same age group.
Here is an example of a typical day in our Preschool classroom:
9:30 am - Arrival, sign in, hang up belongings in cubby (Sunshine Room), use restroom/wash hands
10:00 am - Free Choice learning rotations (Rainbow & Sunshine Rooms) - arts/crafts, phonics/reading, fine motor, numeracy, gross motor, etc.
10:30 am - Morning meeting (Sunshine Room); circle time, calendar, music & movement, whole group lesson, speaking & listening, etc.
11:00 am - Snack (Rainbow Room)
11:30 am - Recess
12:00 pm - Closing circle (Sunshine Room); story time, music & movement, speaking & listening, writing workshop, etc.
12:30 pm - Dismissal
*Students must meet the minimum age requirements by August 31st.